toy block: I guess it was the simplest on among them all. All the measurement was noted not many new skills were required from what we learned.
Toy block extension: I had some difficulties on decision making with the measurement of this toy bleck. It was not mentioned in the textbook and my model looks bit different as the model in textbook.
Simple calculator Design: It was fine. Was not very hard and really satisfied with the ne duplication skill learnt from this project. I also liked the design of it some how it ressembles chocoloate.
Clock face project: All measurement were noted but still looked different even though I followed all the instruction correctly, twice and realized that it always looks different from the model on the textboo, they are thinner and smaller compare to what came out of my work.
Students accurately draw their own mobile phone: It would be much better if I had iphone because I have a galaxy note, I had to do the curves on the side which requires much more complicated skills, not just rounding the edges. I did all the details even the 20 dots on the speaker at the top of the screen. Only thing I couldn't do was the touch pen because I couldn't make the deciosin about the measurement.I did my phone 3 times because of that round edges and learnt to save for every successful steps.
Energy Drink bottle: the measurements in textbook was wrong but I could figure out the exact measurement as I go along.Because we did the waaterbottle last year it didn't find it hard very much. But I forgot how to revolve so it was great to learn it from this project.
Aluminum motorcycle wheel: We didn't have to do this project. But I reckoned that it will help me from get better mark, I did this. Fortunately, I got enough time to finish everything that's listed on the task sheet. There was bit on difficult doing it because textbook didn't tell the measurements and skipped some steps. I learned mirror skill from the internet because it didn't really tell what to do to get the mirror command so I searched up in the internet and the result was well successful. I have different pattern on my wheel as the model from the textbook because it didn't say anything about drawing the wheel pattern.
Ball point pen: I borrowed the laptop and did some parts when I went to the basketball game when other grades were playing. I finished it during the weekend. Because I was stuck up with designing my phone, I did it before mobile phone and aluminum motor cycle wheel project.