
DF assignment question: LED light

Q1. What is the actual difference between light of different colors?
: The frequency of the EM was determines the amount of energy it contains. Therefore, different colors of light have different frequencies and amount of energy.

Q2. Define the following lighting terms:
- Ambient light diffuser: The soft indirect hat fills the volume of a room with illumination.
+ diffuser: A screen for softening lighting (as in photography)
- Luminosity: A measurement of brightness
- Energy diffuser:
- Watts: A nit for measuring electrical power

Q3. Comment on Global Warming
: Human activity is very likely the cause for the rapid increase in global average temperatures over the past several decades. We live in era of climate change. Every individual has the ability to help ensure the health of our environment and awareness and education is the first step to prevent the global warming.

Q4. How can the modern home become more energy efficient with regard to lighting?
: Lighting design is providing light that is both functional and decorative. For purely functional spaces the rule is: the more light the better. This is an easy formula that works well for factories, but for a home we want to make people feel something, like being welcomed, a sense of security and well-being. We want to punctuate the space with interest and drama.

Q5. *will put on separate post*

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