
T4:13- mechanical toy

Today, I finished up with the mice and it works very well collaborates with the tale and I'm really glad I don't need to use that polymer something clay anymore :)!! it made me to hesitate so many times and finally I made it!! as you can see in the photo, it is not very perfect, but I likes it and much satisfied with it and the movements is also achieved as well so today's lesson was useful for my process and it also gave me satisfaction and pleasant of approaching to the goal!! however, I still don't think I can finish it by the end of this year. I want to but I still have the arm of the cat to do and it seems to be the hardest section. Honestly, my toys going good and it looks good as well and hope the arm to be also ends well.  On next lesson, I'm sure that I'm going to working on my arm and maybe finish the shape of it. I forget to add it, I have glued the other arm on the side. 


T4:12- mechanical toy

Today perhaps I have moved quicker? Whatever, I finished the cam for the mice by myself, making my own decision! but Mr Ward introduced us new product to make Ilona's ball for her kicker as well as for my mice. However, honestly the smell was disgusting disturbed to concentration on progress. Also it was hard to make a mice in the shape I want. Maybe I'm overestimate myself? for next lesson I should find a wire and finish with mice. Then, I believe I can finally work on the foreleg of the cat after Mr Ward teach me the shape of it and that is all for my toy :) will be very appreciate with it... and I can paint the toy during the holidays :) 

T4:11- mechanical toy

On this lesson I made cam for tail and finally achieved the movement :) I didn't notice it when in my class but when I writing this blog posting, now I see how gradually I'm approaching and perceive myself to work quicker. anyway the tail moves smoothly in mood also refers to the last question of the assignment, for me, the aesthetic and ergonomics are fairy close to prospective and generally looking good, I believe.


T4:10- Mechanical toy

in last lesson, I'm writing this on sunday :) anyway, I'm on the process where requires the most help in my toy because I have no idea and there aren't demos I can look at and everyone seems like in same conditions just like me. so Mr Ward can help me much long :( on last lesson, I glue the timber under the lid. and that was the only thing I've done at last lesson.... I don't think I can finish my toy by this term... Positive thing is that the tail is very good!! :)


T4:9- mechanical toys

today, Mr Ward gave us time to finish on our assignment today. but because I had already finished, and printed of my assessment, I worked  on my mechanical toy. however, we had to left the workshop 10 minutes earlier because he had to collect the assignments. I haven't done much thing today, I've only done the double cam and Mr Ward measured the distance for the movement of the tail for me :) and I handed in my powerpoint as well as the written assignment. because I borrowed my phone to my brother today, I wasn't available to take photo of my progress. so I'm going take progress at the start of the lesson and after the lesson tomorrow. 


power point

sadly, I can't post the powerpoint... I can't link it!! :(


T4-8 : mechanical toy

On this lesson we are working on our assessment. I have finished it on the weekend but because I thought it is an oral, I need to fix in general form from oral form. :( and I'm going to put up my powerpoint