
SDT 1-5

Today our group has to start the ideation from the beginning because we can never find the middle ground of our discussion about design. Therefore I asked Doris to start the ideation and let us just draw any concepts of sustainable design by next lesson. I believe then we can mediate our ideas and opinions. Anyway, today Mr Ward showed us how to create the lake, pond or whatever the water form in our resort. He mixed PVA glue (Poly Vinyl Acetates) with some blue paint and pour into the hole that bored with the new machine he showed us the other day. Then he told us that the colour will get darker when it is dry. I am very worried about these assessment but I believe, and hope we get through this difficulties soon! Additionally, Mr Ward said he can take 4 more students for QUT excursion. I wish to take apart in that excursion because I haven't decided my path yet. Whether I am going to do the engineering next year or not, I would like to have this opportunity!

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