

We have started the new unit now and assignment was introduced. On today's lesson, Mr Ward told us how to calculate the velocity and did some example questions together. The formula for velocity is V= displacement/time. The units have to be minute and second. So if the times are in minutes or hours, we have to transform them in to seconds and killometres or centimeters into meters always. Mr Ward also told us the difference between velocity and speed, distance and displacement. They are similar to each other, except that velocity and displacement have the direction.

Simplified definition of Velocity and speed:
speed: distance travelled in a second
Velocity: distance travelled in a given direction in a second.

Simple definition of distance and displacement:

Speed = distance travelled in a second
Velocity = distance traveled in a given direction in a second

Definition of distance and displacement:

1. Displacement is the directed line segment between initial and final position of a moving body.
2.Distance is the total length of path traversed by the moving body irrespective of direction.


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