
DF reflection 1-4 (Lesson 8)

 We worked on our assignment today as well. I was decided to load up my task on this lesson reflection but I didn't brought my notes to home. so I will upload my answers when I got my notes and get my final answers in other post. Today was nothing special. we just worked on our task questions and that was the last lesson without Wardy!!! I'm so exciting about what we would do on next lesson. I publish this reflection on 26th of Feburary I actually wrote this lesson in our lesson after done all the questions but the bells gone while I'm writing so I just saved but not published. and the other times I tried to publish this reflection with my answers so I didn't publish earlier. But now I give up with that. sorry:) I'll have more reponse with publishing my lesson reflections as soon as I could! :)

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