
2-6 desk tidy

I'm getting lazy as time goes by... Well since then, I found hard to make drawer to fit on. I made 3 different drawer and all of them didn't work. Finally, last lessonI found a solution for that!! Now I hd been finished with my drawer:) i always bend to make drawer and after I heat them with strip heater, it's being too big. I made last one which perfectly fit in with bend, but accidently I made lid of the drawer... So that was my third fail. The solution was making them in all several pieces and it makes easy to glue them together and perfectly fit into the space!! I made my drawer with balck plastic perfectly but I'm bit regretting now. Because I can colour them in what even colour I want but I worrying about the black plastic is difficult to painting cuase it's really dark. But still, I'm glad about my success and really satisfying with my design. Now I'm left with chimney for pencilcase, painting and blogging!! Mainly I should put on most effort on my blogging as the desk tidy is nearly finish!

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