
SDT 1-7

It's been a long time since last posted. Now Doris and I are carrying our project very well. I think the hard thing about the group working is to corroborate mutual idea because, in majority of cases, they are different. But we are giving up some to accept others. This helps progress in our work. I am quite satisfied with what we have done until now. Doris has done the water (or pool) in a very nice colour and the big square building that meant to be on our resort. But we changed our plan to make a curved building so that can be fit into a circular solar panel that is located above the building. Also this can give some differences from the original building in China. Until now, we have our water fountain, outdoor pool, green base for the garden. we haven't done much yet that's the reason for we to be hurry... This lesson we worked on the garden but we didn't get enough time to finish it. I hope we get to finish that by tomorrow's lesson. That is actually the most fun part since this process. After we finish the garden, I think I have to build the rest part of the curved building and Doris may be keeps working on the car part under the solar panel, on both side of the resort. I find hard during this project but also interesting. I think I have a good chance to learn many things about sustainable design and technology while I'm doing the task 2 for the assignment. Next time, I might try to put up some photos on my blog.

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