
SDT 1-9

I assume that this is the first post in this week. I have finally took photos last lesson and is now able to post them in to my blog. Unfortunately, many progresses are missed... Until now, Doris and I finished the garden, as mentioned. Last lesson, I worked on our building (big one). Our building is a curved form so it is more aesthetically pleasing, and give some differences out of the original building. The sides are finished, and I now have to build the top. Doris painted our triangular car park with grey paint and now we have to draw black lines and some colourful little cars maybe? we have our last lesson for term one on friday and I will sort out the building, than move on to paint the lines of the car park and colour in some cars inside them perhaps. I am enjoying this work but I am not sure if we can finish this in 2 weeks, in 6 hours of lesson :/ I will try though. hope we can get a great result out of our resort at the end of this :) Also about the photos, I think I will take some of our car park on next DT lesson.

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