
ProDesktop - 4

I've finished my vase and almost done the stand but the problem is that I forgot to borrow a lap top during the weekend!!!! arggggghghhhh so I hope we have time to finish on our design at lesson on Monday and i will work on 500 word response. This term's assignment was bit difficult than other term. because I ain't a computer person and I can't decide on one particular design. The other thing that depressing me is because Alina's soooo good!!!! her variety of creation and design always tempt me to copy her... and mine seems to be terrible T.T compare to her's. I assume this task requires to take less than 5 hour to finish both vase and stand but I use all my time to spend on accuracy and design!!! if I can time slip back to i get this task, it would take me about an hour to do this task!!!! I don't have laptop or ProDesktop to do this, so I have to wait till tomorrow and hope I get some time for assemble and printing hopelly. and to finish up my stand.... on last lesson Mr Ward showed us how CAD machine works and it was amazed me. Honestly, I wasn't quite convinced that the machine can produce something itself just by ordering it on computer. And it did work with a great accuracy and delicate!!! that machine maybe the machine is more obedient than I do...!!! tehehe. And Mr Ward told me he will do mine first!!! I felt very pleased on the day but now i'm feeling quite guilty and sorry because I do have design for my name tag but I haven't even started and I didn't even completed my assignment... I'm not very good student :'( so than I will need much time to design my name tag whilst other girls are waiting and excited to making theirs :( Anyway I truly thank you for Mr Ward even if he was just saying. thank you for your offer Mr Ward:)!!!!

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