
ProDesktop - 5

Today was the due date for the assessment and luckily, I finished my vase and stand at morningtea and Mr Ward gave us time to print them off!!!! so I have enough time to hand them in. :) I wante to make a flower to put inside of the vase but I found hard to creat the flower when I looked at Alina's rose, it seemed to be beautiful and bit ease but it actually wasn't so I gave up with it... it wasn't compulsory so.,... tehehe now i'm working on my key tag!!! and so excited about producing my key tag by CAD program!!!! and now I really don't feel bad or depressed anymore :) becuase now I finished my DF, and japanese test but still there are english, history and camp :( but it makes me feel more comfortable and easy:) Well, we still have DF test on Thursday... anyway!!! now I will be concentrating on my key tag =)

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