
T4:1- mechnical toy

On this term we started to design and make a mechanical toy. I found a youtube clip from the internet which called Mitten and Mice. And last lesson, I cut off some woods to make the box underneath the toy. On this lesson, Mr Ward showed how to glue them up and place the stick in the middle of the box so we can set up our mechanism. We haven't had very much time on our own. So today i've just finished the sanding, but I'm considering about make the vertical side shorter to 100mm. When I just look at Mr Ward doing them, it looks so easy and definitely can finish it by the end of the term. But I know reality is always diffrent :) if anyone in our class is capable doing that, why would she be in school as an student to learn something :) and I'm not quite sure whether I can remember whole things untill nextweek df class... I thought I maybe able to finishe that if I holding on to my toy for whole day which is 24hours, I mean and I just done the calculation. We have 3 df lessons in a week which goes for about an hour. Therfore 24 divide by 3 is equal go 8. But this term is only 8 weeks, so that means I can't finish my toy by the end of this term :( anyway, I will try my best, and if can remember it, i will take photo of my progress :) 

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