
T2 SDT 10

This is my first post of the term. I had 2 lessons before it and we have another lesson today. I haven't take any photos this term. We made some changes recently that was not on our plan. We found a great material to construct the forest but we used sand to do our background. I didn't quite get the idea why Doris wants to it with the sand and the benefits but so many people wanted to use it, Mr Ward said sand will be better and Doris want to use the sand, so I just go with it. It looked okay, and I'm happy with it. But I'm guessing we won't be having wind turbines. But I think it is okay still without the wind turbines. But I wonder what's the benefit to have the cemented ground for our resort. But I think this will be okay for there are still a lot more to talk about uniqueness of our building. We are planing to buy some figures of fountain and people. we might do some shopping during the weekend. 

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