
ProDesktop 2

For the last DT lessons I had since then, I've been making 2 toy boxes and recently designing a sony camera. I found the program bit hard to control because it's already been about a year since we last used the program. The same thing is that I still don't know how to undo the things and delete sketches... I assume that the program would be so smart but I cannot use it effectively. This unit of work is not really hard but not really interesting or fun except when the machine actually gets to manufacture our things from the program. I really do wish to get one this year and I will because I am not going to some complicated star shape this year because I realised last year that it's above my ability on this. Anyhow, I may take the screenshot of what I made out of the ProDesktop if I can do that with DELL laptops in DT room. But I'm not quite certain about that. I am looking forward to start on other products apart from the sony camera I'm working on because it's always fun starting new things :)!

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